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硅光电池 内置放大电路硅光电池

上海欧光电子科技有限公司成立于年月.公司致力于将OTRON品牌的光电产品推广给客户.并帮助客户运用光电产品来研究.开发.生产具有竞争力的产 品.另外我公司还代理国际知名厂家的光电产品.
我们的产品有红外线发光二极管, 紫外线发光二极管,可见光发光二极管, 光电开关,光耦,位置检测器PSD,红外线光敏管,紫外光敏管,紫外增强光敏器件, 硅光电池,硅光电池阵列,四象限探测器,PIN管,InGaSn探测器件,雪崩二极管, CCD和CMOS, 光学元件, 电子元件等.提供OEM加工.
联系人:帅先生 ?TEL:- .QQ:
The OSH-*** series are the range of high performance intergrated photodiode amplifiers incorporating of mm silicon PIN photodiode, operational amplifier and transimpedance circuitry. The devices have been optimized for sensitivity to NIR wavelength, provide a voltage output proportional to incident light. Incorporation of the photodiode and amplifier into a welded metal can minimizes noise pickup, leakage current errors and stray capacitance normally associated with discrete designs. These devices are suited for low light level detect, chip size, lens or flat filter, wavelength can all be customized according to customers enquires.
* very low offset noise: mVpp
* High gain: MV/A ( OSH-GT)
* High speed: us (OSH-HT)
* Wide power supply range: ±V to ±V
General Ratings:
* Type Silicon photodiode * Chip active area: .*.mm
* Medical instruments * Low level light detector
* Pulse light detector ?* Laboratory instrumentation
* Smoke detectors
