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太仓精密数控钣金 太仓精密数控钣金加工 太仓精密数控钣金厂家

? 苏州飞宇精密科技股份有限公司成立于年.是一家从事冷冲模具.检具. 冲压制品 .精密钣金.数控车加工和焊接总装的综合性企业.
Founded in , FeiYu? is a private comprehensive enterprise specializing in the punching tools,check fixtures,stamping products, precision metal products CNC processing, as well as the welded assembly .
? 公司是国家高新企业.江苏省民营科技企业.昆山市科技研发机构.中国模具协会会员.
Feiyu is awarded as National high-tech enterprise,Jiangsu Private Science and Technology Enterprise, Kunshan Science and Technology R&D Organization and member of China Die & Mould Industry Association.
? 公司主要从事汽车.家电.电脑等五金零件的机械加工.模具设计制作和冲压生产.年公司年销售额超过万人民币.
?Feiyu specializes in the tooling design and build, stamping parts production, as well as mechanical processings for the automobiles, home appliances computers. The annual sales in year exceeded million RMB.
? 以现代科技和雄厚的专业技术为基础.提供精密优质的冲压模具.金属制品.
?With modern science and professional technology as strong basis, Feiyu is doing its utmost to provide high-quality stamping dies and metal products.
? 公司位于江苏省昆山市国家高新开发区.工厂占地面积多平方米.建筑面积平方米.拥有多名朝气蓬勃勇于进取的员工队伍.时刻在为我们的客户提供及时.高效.优质.周到的服务.
Locating in the high and new technology industrial development zones of Kunshan, Feiyu occupies a total area of over square meters (building area square meters) and has more than employees with youthful spirit and initiative. We are ready to provide timely, efficient and high quality service to the customers.
? 年月份改制为苏州飞宇精密科技股份有限公司.
In December, , it reformed as Suzhou Feiyu precision Technology? Co.,Ltd
? 年月份成立苏州飞宇精密科技股份有限公司数控加工分公司.专门从事精密钣金和数控车加工业务.
In Feb, ,Suzhou Feiyu precision Technology? Co.,Ltd Numerical Control Branch is founded,specializing in precision metal products and CNC processing.
联系人:杨先生 (副总)(网络广告请勿打扰!)


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